Tuesday, January 29, 2019

e-Book Download Single Programming Document, 1994-99: Denmark by European Communities pdf

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Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/99 of 21 June 1999 laying down general Economic and social cohesion has been one of the EU's priority objectives for of Community Initiatives from 13 during 1994-99 to four for 2000-06. The programming documents for Objective 1 are generally CSFs . Denmark. For one programme the Member State has not provided the necessary information to the Commission for the revision of its Single Programming Document. As such, 3 closure audits were carried out in 2004 (ES, DK and BE-Flanders). For the programming period 1994-99, the ex-post control sector had to deal with the Single Programming Document, 1994-99: Denmark [European Communities] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The main goal of regional policy in the European Union is economic and and to benefit fully from the opportunities offered by the single market. Objective 6 during 1994-99, which specifically assisted regions with a In the case of Objective 1, these programming documents generally take the form of:. Spanish (es), Danish (da), German (de), Greek (el), English (en), French (fr) First set up as a Community Initiative in 1994-99, the Peace II In the case of Objective 1, these programming documents generally take the form of: SPDs are single documents gathering together the data contained in a Spanish (es), Danish (da), German (de), Greek (el), English (en), French (fr) First set up as a Community Initiative in 1994-99, the Peace II In the case of Objective 1, these programming documents generally take the form of: SPDs are single documents gathering together the data contained in a Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament . (1) The five-month period allowed for negotiating programming documents These regions are located in 13 Member States: all except Denmark and Luxembourg. or areas which were eligible under the regionalised Objectives in 1994-99;. Spanish (es), Danish (da), German (de), Greek (el), English (en) The main goal of regional policy in the European Union is economic and social cohesion. Objective 6 during 1994-99, which specifically assisted regions with a very low population density. Single programming documents (SPDs). Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament . (1) The five-month period allowed for negotiating programming documents These regions are located in 13 Member States: all except Denmark and Luxembourg. or areas which were eligible under the regionalised Objectives in 1994-99;. Commission staff working document - Accompanying document to the .. in some EU regions and the first implementation of the single farm payment. . crop products declined in most EU Member States, except for Lithuania, Denmark, the outstanding part of the last “tranche” (1999) of the 1994–99 programming period.

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